Available now:
We are proud to announce that all releases previously only available in limited pre-releases cassette format are now available in pro-press editions. This includes:
- Mróz's Charnel Ground, 2nd Press (VT-XII)
- Filth Column's Crowned Master (VT-XXI)
- Pissblood's S/T (VT-XXII)
- Utzalu's Idiot Hell (VT-XXIII)
- Filth Column's Cervix Remnants in Diocese (VT-XXV)
All of the above are for sale via the Vrasubatlat Bigcartel, click here to purchase.
Moreover, we'd also like to announce our new exclusive distro for V.O.S.P. Noise. Previously we ran an exclusive distro for Unseen Force and we'd like to continue that tradition with a new showcase. The following titles are now in stock in cassette format:
- The Rita - Bodies Bear Traces of Carnal Violence (VOSP001)
- Molena - S/T (VOSP002)
- Violent Shogun - Cherry Blossoms at Night (VOSP003)
- Primordial Wound - Research Byproduct Disposal (VOSP004)
All above titles are for sale in the V.O.S.P. Noise section of the VT Bigcartel, available here.
Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for shipping. We are still running behind from all pre-order shipments and this is typically a one-man shipping operation so we get things out when we can. In addition, all Triumvir Foul shirt pre-orders are now shipping. Thank you all for your patience.
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