Upcoming ritual:

Pissblood will be playing its first show along Cross Stitched Eyes and Deathraid this Friday (3/31) at the High Water Mark. This will be the act's first performance ever. In addition, shirts featuring artwork from their debut Fevered Dreams of Delirium will also be available at this show. Preview below (click each photo to enlarge).
Upcoming releases:
We are proud to announce that Triumvir Foul's second full length, Spiritual Bloodshed will be co-released by Vrasubatlat and Invictus Productions in June of this year on vinyl, cassette, compact disc, and digital formats. More information to come soon.
Further this year will see the release of demos from the new VT projects Mmuo and Adzalaan. Mmuo mixes the sound of lo-fi LLN style black metal with harsh noise while Adzalaan shows Vrasubatlat founder R's emergence as a solo performer, playing arcane and triumphant black metal.